A Student’s Guide to Products for Mental Health & Wellness

6 min readNov 5, 2020


Mental health is a complex, broad, and deeply personal issue. If you’re struggling with your mental health, there are many resources you can access and concrete steps you can take to get better. But, if along the way, there’s a product you’re able to purchase that could help alleviate even the smallest amount of stress or anxiety, even for a short period of time, it’s worth checking out.

So, we’ve put together a list of some products you can incorporate into your daily routine that promote mental wellbeing and won’t break the bank! To keep things quarantine-friendly, we’ve provided links where these products can be ordered online.


Old Book Store Puzzle (1000 pieces)- $20 on Indigo.ca

The Mindfulness Colouring Book- $13 on Indigo.ca

Puzzles and colouring books might seem like childish activities, but they could be exactly what you need to destress after a long day. If you haven’t picked up a colouring book since your elementary school days, give it a try! CNN explains that colouring doesn’t produce quite the same effects as art therapy. Using adult colouring books has been linked to reduced levels of anxiety and increased mindfulness; puzzles can have a similar stress-relieving effect. The physical act of assembling a puzzle, the parts of the brain it stimulates, and the social interaction (if you’re puzzling with others) all contribute to a “zen-like” state, as described by BestHealthMag. You can get your hands on an adult colouring book for anywhere from $10-$20, while most 1000-piece puzzles fall in the $20-$30 range, but they’ll keep you busy for long enough!


Verilux HappyLight- $34 on Amazon

As we head into the winter months, colder weather, and fewer hours of daylight might be an annoyance for some, but for those with Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD), these factors can significantly impact their mental health and cause increased feelings of depression and isolation. Light therapy is a common treatment recommended to help with the symptoms of SAD. According to the National Institute of Mental Health, 20–60 minutes of daily exposure to a light box emitting 10,000 lux of fluorescent light can help make up for a lack of sunlight in the winter months. Light boxes can be costly, especially if you’re looking for a bigger size, but some smaller and portable sizes fall in the $30-$60 range.


Aromatherapy has been a helpful therapeutic tool for many to calm nerves, alleviate their moods, and overall improve their mental state. Instead of using artificial scents, using pure essential oils derived from organic ingredients is the best way to do it. One may ask how to use aromatherapy: there are different ways including diffusers, massage oils, skincare, and bath products. Make sure to check out Amazon to find what works best for you and your bank account!

An inexpensive alternative to essential oils is scented candles. While it may not be as luxurious as essential oils, we’re all on a budget so any soothing smells are welcome! Scented candles have become a trendy room decor item for years now, which has also made it abundantly available. There are aromatherapy candles available as well, but they can be on the higher price scale. Depending on what scent calms you, you can purchase one from Amazon, Bath and Body Works, HomeGoods, etc. Counselling Directory lists which scents can aid the kind of stress or anxiety you may be facing. Orange reduces stress, sandalwood relaxes the mind and body, and peppermint refreshes the mind.

However, please know that like any skin products, everyone’s reaction to oils, scents, and ingredients will be different. If you’re sensitive or allergic to certain ingredients, you may want to do some research beforehand.


Who doesn’t love sleep? Just like Garfield, I have found myself exhausted and ready to face the bed many times. Especially as a university student, every second of shut-eye is very valuable. But, with the anxiety and stress that occupies our minds, sleep is sometimes far from attainable. Our body and mind run on a 24-hour clock, so we must rest to recharge for a new day. What can we do to improve sleep? Recently, the go-to purchase has been weighted blankets. The pressure and weight of the blanket help to relax the nervous system. Healthline mentions that the deep pressure stimulation from the blanket could help with reducing pain, alleviating your mood, and lessening your anxiety. However, with the popularity of these weighted blankets, there are so many to choose from. Sustainable Planet has listed their Top 10 weighted blankets that you may want to check out!

Luna Weighted Blanket for $78.99

Weighted blankets may not be the most budget-friendly option, there are also other options to help you catch some Z’s. Try listening to white noise, or calming sounds like nature and rushing water. This has been shown to help calm nerves by making you focus on the calming effects and lulling you to sleep.

Just like weighted blankets, there are a variety of apps to choose from to access a library of calming noises. A quick search in the app stores will provide you a comprehensive list of choices. The app that’s creating a buzz right now is Calm; they recently made headlines over the summer for their collaboration with singer, Harry Styles — where users can listen to a sleepytime story narrated by him. The app has many free options but also feature premium perks that are available for a fee.


While we’re on the topic of apps, technology has fueled further creation of accessibility to mental health services. Personally, when I need to choose a product or service, I prefer to either try them out or research for reviews. Just know that when it comes to mental health, it is not a one-size-fits-all situation.

One app that I’ve personally had the chance to try is the popular Headspace app. Its basic functions are free and quite helpful in getting a head-start on mediation and building it into your routine. Instead of doing a deep-dive into every application available on the market, Healthline, CAMH, and Wello have already done the research for you!

By : Tanvi Srivatsa & Annemarie Cutruzzola





Students for Mental Health, Awareness, Support, and Health | Ryerson University

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